WATSON--the super-awesome smart super computer developed by IBM, and who has also made grand appearances on Jeopardy to battle Ken Jennings-- has taken his superhuman smarts to the dating arena. Not only can he program Search Engine Optimization techniques to make him seem the most appealing on any dating site, but his date-o-meter is off the charts.
The important thing about Watson(IBM technologies) is that with every correct answer, Watson grows more and more confident with every answer that he submits. And although "he" can sometimes say the wrong thing, he is WAY closer than most male dating-scene neophytes.
When proposed with arbitrary questions by his femme fatales, he quickly and assertively answers the first-date questions without hesitance. "Do you have a job", "Do you want kids", and "What's the most important thing in your life right now", Watson nailed the arsenal of every double-meaning question the book could throw. It made it very possible for Watson to ask back, in pure confidence, "Would you like to return to my sweet sweet efficiency where we could make virtual babies before ordering a pizza?" What is YES?! Many women were flattered by the way Watson exuded confidence in his life's goals and able to effectively channel all the right answers women were looking for in "men". Yes, they may say men are programmed, but women never saw Watson coming. Women often say, "It's like talking to a wall." Even better, it's like talking to a computer.