A popular new drug has surfaced among a small part of the population that seems as ridiculous as four different types of pharmaceutical remedies for erectile dysfunction. PlaceBo has received immediate attention among 'perfect people' and has been dubbed as "generating a pseudo-pharmaceutical movement.” A PlaceBo user was outraged by such claims and made complaints of slander and harassment by the imposing statement.
One Placebo user commented, “ We have problems. Yah, we have the problem of not having anything wrong with us. Do you know how daunting that is? To walk around all day unafflicted? It’s really fucking hard being perfect!” He continued to describe all the stares that perfect people get walking down the street; co-workers hate them because they never mess up at work and accused of brown-nosing the boss; and well, straight-up just fucking smelling and looking so damn perfect all the time.
“You really don’t know how hard it is. Not being accepted because you’re just so damn perfect and awesome all the time. So I take PlaceBo to help combat the symptoms of perfection. Although I still am perfect, it creates the illusion that I, too, have weaknesses and an Achilles’ heel. It causes me to second-guess myself sometimes, think others are better than me, and well, straight-up do poorly at some things. It’s kind of a miracle drug, you could say.”
Others—the normies—weren’t buying the tripe, and called PlaceBo a bullshit sugar pill that only perfect people are allowed take. It was also said that most perfect people were trying to “fake being unperfect under the substance.” One unperfect normie said, “Yah, it’s like they were trying so hard to not be perfect, you could totally still tell there were no real major concerns in their lives. It was really fucking sad, to tell you the truth.”
PlaceBo side effects include indifference, normalcy, not-one-single-fucking-change, and controlled appetite. While the fantastic and awesome dispositions still continued in the lives of these people who were fucking “practically perfect in every way,” the inferior normies started taking a litany of tranquilizers to mitigate the potentially hazardous side effects that come with perfect people trying to take substances to be on “their” level.