Some NUTritionist from Kansas State University wants to prove he can shed a few pounds on a Twinkie diet. With his nutty hypothesis, this sugar-junkie wants to challenge "junk food versus health food" dynamic, suggesting that foods regarded as nutritious may, in fact, be unhealthy, while foods regarded as junk may have some benefits. For one month, he is living on a diet of high-calorie, high-fat foods, such as snack cakes, powdered doughnuts and sticky buns, to show that foods commonly regarded as junk can actually help people lose weight. Although he has lost a few pounds, he has omitted experiencing the crack-like euphoria that comes with the Twinkie. But recently, the nut-job professor was arrested for robbing a 7-11 for the confectionary delights. In between spitting diabetic tongues like "cuckoo for cocoa puffs," he's currently pleading "the Celery Defense" saying that it was those few unhealthy vegetables led to his mania as he "crashed" on a pile of steamed spinach and carrot souffle.
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