A new study was revealed the other day that most of the general population gets a boost of self-esteem with the more debt they must pay off. Not just school loans. We’re talking major credit card debt with interest rates through the roof. Can’t pay it off and have no job? No problem. Just open up another credit card. Maxed out? Who cares. Just keep spending. And with an added boost to morale, think about all the finance charges and fees that accrue when you don’t pay your bills on time. You can’t put a price tag on that sense of self-worth. Or can you? The more people spend the more they realized they could have it all. After receiving a Master’s, a young area man could still not find a job, so he spent his days spending. School debt, credit card debt, and a whole bunch of unpaid bills left this gentleman sitting alone in his dark apartment with no electricity, no internet, and an eviction notice on his front door, and told us he felt like he was on top of the world when he said, “Without confidence, we are nothing.”
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