Thursday, May 9, 2013

Super Ridiculously Happy Man Loves People Semi-Automatically

For most people, it is not an automatic response to love others and love yourself. For most people, they say it is something they have “to work at on a daily basis.” People say they tend to focus on the “have-nots” instead of the “haves” which creates a feeling inside of themselves that they aren’t good enough, strong enough, worthy of being loved by others. 

Richard Thompson, recorded as the “happiest motherfucker to ever walk this planet,” says the secret lies in having an attitude of gratitude, counting all your amazing and wonderful blessings, and find the joy in the little things. People were stunned by his completely quixotic and optimistic view on life and acting like, “what the what???? This guy must be suffering from some kind of mental disorder to be this happy."

Happiness, also labeled as “Major Affective Disorder, Pleasant Type,” is primarily a peptide imbalance currently short-circuiting Richard’s brain, and that peptide-imbalance led him to his latest and greatest invention: The Love Gun.

“Yea, Cupid’s got his little bow and arrow, but I wanted something people could really relate to. People love their guns in this country. People also like to feel good, to feel loved. So why not smash those two ideas together?”

“The thought occurred to me when a miserable friend was ranting about his loneliness and turned to me and said, ‘I just need like a fucking drive-by shooting of love and happiness.’ That’s when the idea hit me. So I made this semi-automatic that shoots love bullets at people who are feeling down. Bang! Fuckin’ perky and loving! Problem solved!”

“Angry from rush hour? Finicky day at work? Not feeling like a contributing member of society? Pop.Pop.Pop.Pop.Pop.Pop. And now everyone’s good to go! I feel like the more people I can shoot throughout my day, I feel like I’ve really done my part and can stand tall and proud knowing I’ve helped someone.”

Opponents to the Love Gun voice their concerns about the Love Gun getting into the hands of the wrong people, too many Love Guns on the street, and Love Gun trafficking. “You can’t just go around shooting people with positive emotion! That’s not the kind of world we live in!! Where would the dark emo musicians of our time go? The dark art? The bad poetry? I mean think about how crazy it could get if everyone walked around all fucking happy, joyous, and free! It’s absolutely absurd!”

While nihilistic, pessimistic, and self-masochistic people oppose these emotionally-uplifting shooting rampages, they also note, “I’m not gonna take my chances out there. I’m just gonna stay in this dark miserable and lonely hellhole of my apartment—where it’s safe.”

The Love Gun is set to a judicial hearing about it’s terms of use, safety requirements, and justified use of  “improving the lives of others in the world” this summer.

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