With the onset of the falling economy due to the mortgage-backed securities, the housing crisis situation, scandals on Wall Street, and so on and on and on and on and on, it appeared as if people were losing even more faith in their government and the future. At this critical time, it was interesting to observe a considerable rise in the Jewish faith. Just like in any situation, where people turn to religion to solve their problems, we found it interesting that people were not leaning towards the hegemony of Christianity.
Of course we weren’t grabbing these statistics from watching a rise in temple attendance, staying home on Jewish holidays, or a spike in Hollah, Matzah, or even bagels. Hahaha, no. That would be inaccurate and impetuous.
We asked a young middle-aged older man how his life has changed during this difficult economic time. Georgie responded, “I’ve definitely cut way back on my spending on leisure items as well as even some of the essentials I used to not be able to go without. I let my other friends pick up the bill when we go out, act as if I have no money when the cabbie wants his fare, and even yelled at a man once for not giving me precisely my 38 cents change when I ordered a sandwich. I must say, I felt I was becoming Jewish.”
Georgie continued to tell us as he cut back, one thing he continued to let grow; something he referred to as his JewFro. “I realized if I was cutting things out, I might as well stop getting haircuts and embraced the hairstyles of my new-found religion. I also pick up nickels I find on the sidewalk and find myself developing an interest in directing feature-length films.”
As Georgie continued to pile the lox on his bagel and cream cheese, he said, “Its weird how a crisis can bring about change in people’s lives. I feel as though the way this economy has forced me to cut back, I have found a new way of how I go about life. I mean, if Jesus can do it, why can’t we?”
There were many other similar stories, so no need to tell you a minimal of three to make a valid point, just trust us, it happened, ok? So if you think you’re above Judaism or even above this economy, then you have quite a lot of chutzpah to stick to your old-fashioned ways of Starbucks and picking up the tab. I think we can all learn a little something about Georgie and his ability to convert religions based on the pure Darwinian means of survival. Judaism: It’s not as exclusive as you would think.
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