Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Sony Pissed At Hacker’s Attempt To Try To Innovate The Company

Sony released a statement the other day notifying its customers that its network had been compromised when hackers hacked into 93,000 different accounts of its customers. Although no hacker would make a statement in their defense, word has it that their incentive was to hack in order to improve the quality of the software of the company.

Sony made a statement to defend the mediocrity of the company’s performance when it said, “Yea, we understand we’re not as awesome as Apple and a bunch of those other guys, nor are we the modern marvel in revolutionizing software and technology. In fact, we’re pretty sub-par when it comes to design and making things look cool, but we’re keeping up, and we know our role.”

Sony adamantly defended its stance of “wanting to stay floating somewhere in the middle of all things” and not come off as a pompous asshole that craps apps in your face, constant upgrades, and product obsolescence. “We like being the shy kid on the block you only wave to once in a blue moon. Anymore is too much for us.”

Sony continued, “The fact that hackers wanted to come in and ‘improve things’, well we were not going to stand for that. Our customers are happy with the turtle-slow progression of our technology and any quick advancements would be too much of a shock for customers too fast, too soon. We’re just not ready to take on “all that other fancy tech stuff’.”

Sony filed a lawsuit against the hackers on account of “taking the company in a direction it could not afford to go, could not understand, and could not use themselves.” Later ten programmers were fired for software development that was “too innovative.”

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