With a growing concern for the US nation to foster job creation, lower unemployment rates, decrease inflation, cut taxes, and to get the Cabinet to straight-up stop spending money like it's going to rot, people actively decided to seek the change that was promised two years prior by voting in the mid-term elections. In order to combat the excessive deregulation of the financial sector and to combat the administration's objective to spend spend spend our way out of the shitter, the people have voted for change, and it's looking quite precious. With a 90% gain, the Hobbits will have full control of the finances brought upon by the US. By eliminating the sloppy behavior brought on by Goldman Sachs, the Hobbits vow to restore voter confidence and the mortgage-crisis by converting overvalued homes to their original value. Due to the miniature size of the Hobbits, all homes--once in foreclosure--will be scaled down to fit the lifestyle of the Hobbit, making the size of each home directly proportional to the newly underestimated value. All newly printed money will go to each Hobbit to hold till they see fit; whoever is the most honest and economically responsible will have some dollars coming their way. Since their election, there are plans to pump lots of those newly printed dollars into things like sunshine and lollipops. No second motion from Gandolph yet, while Smigel pleaded guilty to 11 federal crimes and admitted to turning his wealth management business into a massive Ponzi scheme that defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars, and received 150 years in prison--the maximum allowed.

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