Friday, December 10, 2010
New Fad Diet: The Break-Up Diet Trumps The Lemonade Cleanse

Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Facebook Users Upload Meal Time And Happy Hour Pics To Appear Adventurous
"Well beyond my general affinity for various cuisine and imbibitions, I just want the whole virtual world to know what a god damn good time I'm having. So what if sometimes it just tastes like crap. You can't tell from the picture. Plus it just looks awesome!"
Popular status updates include: "Hanging out with my besties with only the best champagne around," "you can probably guess I cleaned up that dish," to "now that was better than I could have ever dreamed. The itus will put me back to sleep so I can dream about it all over again."
Other users admit they do it out of complete "look at me look at me" mentality because snapping a picture of their lunch while sitting at their cubicle is by far the most interesting thing that has happened to them all day.
"But we must post! We must post daily!! I even troll for comments, hoping my own pic will get everyone wishing they had my lunch too!! It feels soooooo good! More comments, more comments, more…….muahahahahaha"
Not only has the social media site connected over 500 million users around the world, but it can now pinpoint the exact things people are eating and drinking on a day-by-day basis. This information will then be used by Mark Zuckerburg, Facebook founder, to sell to Groupon and other food and beverage companies for advertising space that hangs in the right side of your profile, which leads you to the place that gets you the app to take another picture of your food or drink that will be targeted at you on the right hand side of your profile the very next day. Eat, snap, repeat...please:)
Monday, December 6, 2010
Thuggies: Full of Innovation? Or Full Of Crap?

Friday, December 3, 2010
2010 Douche Badge Awarded To Municipal Profession: Meter Maid
They make more appearances than Paris Hilton. They give out more tickets than the state lotto. They are more notorious than BIG and they are more disliked than Kayne West. Yes, you may have guessed it. The 2010 Douche Badge was awarded to the municipal profession: the dreaded Meter Maid. Grunting four minutes past the expired meter, one man flung his ticket in disdain and cursed the asshole in a pseudo-authoritative uniform. Drivers notice the smug disposition of these city workers, thinking they're as bad-ass as cops, sitting there with their time clickers and waiting for that precise moment when--BAM!!-expired. Too bad. They laugh in delight when the pen hits the pad of ticket paper. Well, the people have voted and Meter Maid won in a landslide. They considerably outweighed other frowned-upon professions such as hookers and clowns; at least they provide services of entertainment service. Keep your quarters handy.
New Site Takes A DeadBEET To A BEETNIK

Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Chevy Release of 2011 Motor Vehicle: ReVOLTing

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lindsay Lohan Establishes A Revolving-Door Rehab For Convenience

Lindsay Lohan muttered fragmented thoughts the other day from her sobering vacation at the Betty Ford Clinic saying that her experience there led her wanting to open her own rehab facility. Although most would think this endeavor would fall under the pretenses of philanthropy, coming to terms with her addictions, and genuinely offering her support to want to help others succeed, the interest was a self-serving. From what an insider was able to decipher from her fragmented sentences, Lindsay admitted her main reason for opening her own clinic was mainly for convenience. "I knew I'd like totally end up back here again. It's all show and I needs some money. Banking off other people problems to support my own seemed like a great idea."
Sunday, November 28, 2010
New Study Classifies Happiness As An Abnormal Psychological Disorder
After several studies, conclusive data proves that happiness in a psychological disorder. Although many people have not been diagnosed with this disorder, it has be proven that this rare disorder has been seen among certain people. Happiness occurs in the brain with large clusters of neurons lighting up in the brain and in the central nervous system. Although the study reveals that happiness is statistically abnormal, the disorder has been seen in super peppy cheerleaders, Playboy bunnies, overly-elated workout instructors, and housewives in holiday sweaters. Scientists are looking more closely at these particular individuals to see--what in fact--causes this excessive abnormal happiness and treat it accordingly with certain medications called Debbie Downers, exposure to long periods of traffic, printer jams, burnt dinners, screaming children, and wrinkles.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Perv Waves His Wand At TSA Officer In A Pat Down

Due to heightened alerts for terrorism during the holiday season, very thorough pat downs have been enforced as people pass through security screening checks at the airport upon boarding their flights. Although this thorough screening freaked people out about the touchy-feely groping and invasions of privacy, TSA reiterated that this was purely a security measure. But one man was not pressured by the extensive pat down and found himself quite aroused by the measure. Officer Sheila Rodriguez was forced to take action against a man who--when patted down--pointed his member at her while searching for hidden weapons and explosives. He responded that he could not control his concealed weapon of love and proceeded to compliment her, ask her for her number, and to take her to dinner.
"If she could have this kind of affect on me while going through standard security measures, imagine what she could do behind closed doors. The uniform's really hot too. Man I'd like her to use her taser on me." Rodriguez overlooked the erect salutation and allowed him to pass through. But the pervert walked back through baggage claim only to re-enter in the departure lines so he could let Rodriguez search him one more time.
"This time I want you to search for my heart," he said. He was soon handcuffed for his public indecency as well as sexual harassment, which only made the pervert even more aroused. The pervert's uncensored performance led officers to question if it could be possible to turn terrorists into perverts. Or maybe some people really should have their junk blown off.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Suicidal Turkey Doesn't Understand the Meaning of Thanksgiving
Some people bring in the spirit of the holiday season with cheer and festivities while some people can't wait to stuff it under the carpet like an ominous bug that they couldn't wish away fast enough. That seemed to be the case for one emotional turkey who seemed to be suffering from an existential meltdown about the meaning of life. The turkey had been caught saying morose things such as "What if the meaning of life is for me to give up my own life to make others happy?" and "do you believe in reincarnation? I think I will come back in the afterlife as a earthworm." He even continued with riddles like, "why did the chicken cross the road? To create moody cathartic art with an emotional poultry sidekick." After several sessions in therapy, I realized my true calling; that I could end up on a neurotic hot woman's face as a means of lightening the mood of poultry genocide. The sunglasses were essential."
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Obama Relies Heavily on Delorium To Fix The Deficit

Obama announced earlier today about his plans for fixing the deficit. Not only does he feel ObamaCare has some serious means of fixing our deficit, but also plans an even more determined plan of action.
Friday, November 19, 2010
New Website Solidifies Kaptcha Series Makes People Feel Stupid
A new website was launched the other day that tapped into the tendencies of the young adult population trying to seek an appropriate mate on a new dating site. Upon registration, it is commonplace for the viewer to type in the information and confirm with a series of coding to prove they were real people. A series called Kapcha normally can detect if people can type in the appropriate keys of letters found on the screens on their computers. But as the new Kapcha series was launched, it made people down right confused as they started swearing at their computers as to why they were having difficulty launching into the new site of dating shenanigans. The website responded that if they could not log in using the new Kapcha series, they were therefore retarded deeming them incapable of talking to each other online, let alone, reproducing. The new Kapcha series has led to an increase of angry users who--once they logged in--found themselves bitching at significant others who they would initially be attracted to.
Monday, November 15, 2010
New Study Shows Money Really Does Buy Happiness
A new study was released the other day that showed that money really does buy happiness. People had reported increased euphoria when they shopped compulsively versus buying just one thing. Others reported they fought with their spouses more about splitting the bill, cutting out dinner and a movie date night, and straight up sitting around doing nothing. "I feel like shit, I need to buy something," the woman exclaimed. She also mentioned, "if you really loved me you'd buy me that diamond ring, already! None of that Kay crap!" Several diamond rings have not been purchased this season, resulting in a steady decline in overall happiness which is being combatted by double-dosing on a drug called Fukitol.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Women In L.A. Are Literally Freezing Their Asses Off
Brrrrrrrrr... It might seem that it's really starting to cool down this season, but who ever thought the reason could be a new alternative to liposuction that is being tested in some health centers across the United States. With all the hype of fat freezing, could this be a new method of fat reduction that really truly does suck? The vacuum-like device adheres to your body--like a parasitic money-leaching ex-spouse--sucking everything and freezing it off. By freezing these women's fat asses, the fat cells are destroyed in the process. While they're still waiting for FDA approval to market, herds of women have been cited flying to the Northwestern Territory of Canada, standing out in the bitter cold of Beyond Fucking Existence with their asses in the air and their fingers crossed.

Local Idiot Does Not Plead The Twinkie Defense In Twinkie Diet

Some NUTritionist from Kansas State University wants to prove he can shed a few pounds on a Twinkie diet. With his nutty hypothesis, this sugar-junkie wants to challenge "junk food versus health food" dynamic, suggesting that foods regarded as nutritious may, in fact, be unhealthy, while foods regarded as junk may have some benefits. For one month, he is living on a diet of high-calorie, high-fat foods, such as snack cakes, powdered doughnuts and sticky buns, to show that foods commonly regarded as junk can actually help people lose weight. Although he has lost a few pounds, he has omitted experiencing the crack-like euphoria that comes with the Twinkie. But recently, the nut-job professor was arrested for robbing a 7-11 for the confectionary delights. In between spitting diabetic tongues like "cuckoo for cocoa puffs," he's currently pleading "the Celery Defense" saying that it was those few unhealthy vegetables led to his mania as he "crashed" on a pile of steamed spinach and carrot souffle.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
NORAD Suspects Ninja Missile May Be Linked To Ninja Cat

Obama Stimulates Jobs By Building A Giant Tunnel To Narnia

It has been brought to global attention that President Obama sought to build a giant bulletproof tunnel on his entrance into Narnia: a place where animals talk, magic is common, and good battles evil. The objective for the problem-solving tunnel was that the tunnel's construction would ultimately create jobs for those physically building the tunnel, security personnel, and encourage economic expansion into the fictional realm of Narnia. In a place where children could become kings and queens, this was a promising note for our children and their future.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Mid-Term Election Announces Hobbits To Solve United States' Fiscal Crisis

With a growing concern for the US nation to foster job creation, lower unemployment rates, decrease inflation, cut taxes, and to get the Cabinet to straight-up stop spending money like it's going to rot, people actively decided to seek the change that was promised two years prior by voting in the mid-term elections. In order to combat the excessive deregulation of the financial sector and to combat the administration's objective to spend spend spend our way out of the shitter, the people have voted for change, and it's looking quite precious. With a 90% gain, the Hobbits will have full control of the finances brought upon by the US. By eliminating the sloppy behavior brought on by Goldman Sachs, the Hobbits vow to restore voter confidence and the mortgage-crisis by converting overvalued homes to their original value. Due to the miniature size of the Hobbits, all homes--once in foreclosure--will be scaled down to fit the lifestyle of the Hobbit, making the size of each home directly proportional to the newly underestimated value. All newly printed money will go to each Hobbit to hold till they see fit; whoever is the most honest and economically responsible will have some dollars coming their way. Since their election, there are plans to pump lots of those newly printed dollars into things like sunshine and lollipops. No second motion from Gandolph yet, while Smigel pleaded guilty to 11 federal crimes and admitted to turning his wealth management business into a massive Ponzi scheme that defrauded thousands of investors of billions of dollars, and received 150 years in prison--the maximum allowed.

Friday, October 22, 2010
'Secret' Fanatic Loses Job From Over Visualization

With the crazy hype of positive thinking has gotten everybody thinking, "What is this thing called The Secret I keep hearing so much about?" Unless you've been living under a rock all these years, The Secret is a methodology about using visualization and positive imagery techniques to manifest all the great things you want out of your life. But some people seemed to be more involved on a deeper level than others, and claim they visualize better and harder than anyone else ever could.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Anti-Baby Pill Gives Women The Chills

A new birth control was released yesterday from ContraTech Inc. that had women wondering about considering taking the contraceptive. Competing with other birth control pills like Othro-Try-Cyclen and Seasonique, ContraTech's new product aimed to combat excessive depression, cramping, and acne. It also had to compete with fewer lighter periods. With this insight, ContraTech invented and patented a new birth control called Fugghedaboutit, which combined the positive symptoms of both Seasonique and its predecessor. Fugghedaboutit allowed women to go five years without menstruating, no flow, and actually increased breast size by a full cup. Side effects include: making women more social, extreme exuberance, loss of weight, idealistically attractive, tolerable to be around, and most importantly, could make Snoop Dogg look like Micheal Cera by smoking your asses under the table. No risk of heart attack here, my friend. Male counterparts seemed to have no qualms about this new pill. Women who experienced typical side effects of old medications caused break ups, divorce, and sometimes even a phone and address change. Although women weren't too psyched up about a five-year-family-making hiatus, men nationwide screamed in unison over the invention of the new B.C.--that same pinnacle utterance when getting with his lady friend, "Are you on the--??" and she responds, "Fugghedaboutit."
Mexican Cops Blaze 134 Tons of Marijuana
Gremlins Musical Casts Heidi Montag As Female Gremlin

Yesterday, word has it that Heidi Montag was offered role in Gremlins: The Musical. She was not cast for her talented singing ability, but the director felt with all the cosmetic surgery she has undergone in the past year or so, her extreme transformation allowed her to be completely ready for the role. Montag agreed immediately, not because she knew she could lip sync and roll around in the sand in a pink bikini, but because she really needed the attention.
She told us, "I guess I just have this really strong desire to one-up Audrina Patridge's performance on Dancing With The Stars. I mean, I can totally prance around, and my Triple H breasts give me all the resistance training and core work out I need."
She bitched and moaned for about the next hour or so about how no one pays attention to her and blahblahblah and the thirty new procedures to take place after the film. But, she did say this: "All I know is that it costs a lot to look this perfect. And look, now I'm a starring role in Gremlins. Never heard of it, or seen it, or know what it's about, but it sounds cute!"
Snooki Upchucks a Book Release for 2011

Snooki, a popular and intoxicated reality personality from the show Jersey Shore, stepped away from her Adios Motherfucker for a couple minutes to talk about her upcoming book release in 2011. She wants the book to reflect her and all her talents as a young female and says,
Twilight Phenomenon Inspires Universities to Offer A Degree in Vampirism

Due to the budget cuts across universities as well as the rising cost of tuition, there has been a steady decline in college enrollment nationwide. Not only do kids not know what they want to do with the rest of their lives, a new study revealed that they also fear ever needing to know anything related to Math or knowing the basics of the English language. State colleges, particularly among the northern regions, thought it would be a novel idea to introduce a curriculum that kids can relate to: vampires.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
New Marketing Company Fails Because They Took Timing Too Literally

A new start-up marketing company has divulged some serious advice on certain things to stay away from when starting your own business, trying to invent your own job, and giving yourself a big fluffy company title/position while failing to bring in clients.
Life Coach Fired For Getting Pointers From Beer Coasters

It was a devastating day for John Richardson, 46, of Lake Forest, California to find out that after three years of working with a life coach, Richardson found out--to his surprise--that his trainer's inspiring go-getter attitude was merely a compilation of cliched phrases found on beer coasters and napkin blurbs from the bar. At first, the beer tips overlapped well into the general phrases of inspiration such as "Good things come to those who wait", "If not now, when?" and "Perfection has it's price."
But after hearing much of the same adages over the years, Richardson grew more skeptical when he started hear newer and sloppier lines of inspiration: "Do you see the glass half-empty or half-full?","Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder", "What if the Hokey Pokey Really IS what it is all about?" When the trainer came back with even more banal phrases, which one could never consider inspiring, such as, "Tap That Ass", "You're damned if you do. You're damned if you don't", he was ultimately fired for: "If she's not falling out of her bar stool wasted, she's not ready to take home quite yet."
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Area Stoner Files Police Report For Stolen Stash
Somewhere in Venice, California yesterday, police apprehended a young sophomoric delinquent on Pacific Ave near the boardwalk for shoplifting a water pipe, pair of sunglasses, and some hemp flavored lollypops. Upon confiscating the items from the quixotic adolescent, the two police men found approximately an eighth of an ounce of marijuana in his back pocket. All items were then taken into custody and released the young man with a warning.
Later that same afternoon, the same adolescent called 911 to report that his pot had been stolen and that he wanted to file a police report. He thought the police officer on the other side of the line sounded familiar, but half way through the report, he forgot why he was calling. A few minutes later he tried to call back to file another stolen item of his, but he couldn't find the bluetooth he was just using that was connected to his ear. Forgetting again shortly after that, he laughed hysterically to himself, realized the bluetooth was a blue potato chip, and ate the june bug that had landed on his ear.

Sunday, October 3, 2010
Celebrating One Really Full-Of-Shit Law

Today marks the celebration of the creation of Sturgeon's Law that states: "Ninety percent of anything is full of crap." This law first took effect 1951 by Theodore Sturgeon and it seems to have taken major prevalence during the years of the Bush Administration, and continued to grow in the fields of scientology, the fashion industry, the Snuggie, the Shake Weight, or anything having to do with Tyra Banks. Today marks the 59th anniversary of the creation of Sturgeon's law, and in celebration of this momentous theory, encourages people to go out and share one thing about their day with another person that is pretty much full of shit. Easy enough, you'll realize people don't have to try very hard at this one. And for us, we've just shared ours. Sturgeon's Law is today? Yah, we're pretty much full of shit, too. ;)
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Area Man Arrested For Self-Inflicted Slave Labor

Yesterday in the city of Brentwood, California, a man by the name of George Bunderson was arrested for attempted slave labor against himself. Due to the economic climate of the recession, George mentioned that he was creating his own self start-up company. As CEO and founder of his company, he established he would be the main employer and employee of his company, mainly the latter. But as months passed on, George never received any paychecks for his hard work. When George confronted the situation by emailing the CEO of the company, he received no reply. When George realized he was not intentionally working pro-bono for the company, he got suspicious about the ethical standards of this new start-up company. Three months of working and never receiving a single cent from the company, George filed a complaint with the Business Ethics Bureau and with his course of action, the company was shut down. George was charged with paying himself $7000 for his hard work with the company. After that, George never spoke to George again.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Lindsay Lohan Incarcerated For Bad Acting

Lindsay Lohan has been booked again to go back to jail for violating her probation by shoving more white powder up her nose after she was released from jail and her revolving door rehab. An insider let us know that the judge's brutal incarceration sentence was not just merely for her substance abuse problem and failing to complete her AA hours for her DUI, but felt Lindsay should be behind bars for her performances in Herbie: Fully Loaded, I Know Who Killed Me, and her studio-magic album: Speak. Although she has posted bail for $300,000, word has it the prodigal brat is set to pick up a couple films to help support her "acting career." The upcoming films entitled "Nare Sugar", "The White Stuff", and "The Porcelain Train" cast the star as playing herself: emaciated, old-looking, and bitchy. Sounds like an epic drama.
Area Boy Confuses Euthanasia For The Prolific Birth Rate in China

New Study Shows Unemployed People Require More Sleep

A new study was just released the other day showing that the unemployed human requires an additional six hours of sleep than the average working individual. While the average working human maintains a seven hour sleep session, the unemployed individual may require up to thirteen or even fourteen hours of uninterrupted sleep. The study also reveals that the unemployed individual also requires a higher food intake and more ass-sitting time required for this additional ingestion. This consumption period is normally coupled with insanely long periods of TV watching, staring at a wall, or head scratching.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Orange County: The Birthplace Of The FOB

According to the 2010 Census and just the general frame of reference, Orange county is home to the FOB. You got it. FOB. In case you late bloomers didn't know, there is an abundance to FOBs in this geographic area. According to the Urban Dictionary, a valid source, an FOB is what you call a Fuckin' Old Broad…. scientific fact. Give way!! They are all around you.
FOB's can generally be classified as old broads, in their mid to late fifties and beyond, who propose old Republican values while knowing nothing about the new age generation, innovative thinking, or the ability to get along with just about ANYONE. They most likely live right next to you, telling you to turn down the music because she can't hear herself talking to her seven cats; wears clothes from the seventies like they're still edgy and avant-garde; or possibly pouring herself two Scotches because she's convinced someone is accompanying her in a night of debaucherous diatribe. Those are just the voices-in-her-head-isms. As the wind blows through the air, it screams Ambiennnnnnnnnn………..
Weight gain can gage from 20 - ? pounds overweight.. or perhaps she is one of those skinny broads, frail like Skeletor, and tells you those were the good old days. Not the kind of broad who likes it when you play Kanasta with her, but berates you for cheating at cards, that's right, she thinks she caught you, but we forgot…she's partially blind, deaf, and outright retarded.
Accommodating you are; you order her some food.
"We love you lady, but we don't even know you, and stop drooling pizza sauce all over your face. Your seven cats are starting to pounce our face." An innocent bystander interjects the feline predator from the pepperoni debacle.
Poor Guy in the Middle says, "She's wearing fishnet tights like she's still part of the Roaring 20's, but sadly, the only thing that fishnet is gonna catch might be a few small prawn from shore, not a husband. Maybe we can use her tights as a hammock to catch her when her plastered face falls over on her broken heel while dribbling tomato sauce all over her lower lip. It ain't lipstick, honey." She's drooling now.
Classic Case Study #4657#%$%^&….. they are your neighbors, your wives, your mothers, and your best friend's boyfriend's rebounds from a second marriage. They're still living the wet dream from the 70's. Classic cooters, eh hem, cougars. You see them talking to your boyfriend next door.
She starts off saying, "Son, would you like to put your hand in my purse and grab a piece of hard candy?" This bitch is looser than the levies of New Orleans, and it's 9am. Tell her booze time isn't at least till noon, give her three glasses of wine, slap her in the face and then tell her to pass the fuck out.
"4:00pm Nap Time. We'll play Bridge later, then find the rest of her teeth in an Enamel Egg Hunt. Here, have some Alka Seltzer."
She says her daughter would be jealous of her if she ever came across a dapper young man as yourself. Dapper? Once again, slap her.
"Night night, sweetie. We'll play tomorrow."
You tuck her sheet in between her tomato-sauced face with a mouth gaping open from the dentures removed; use her fishnets as a blanket to clothe her and keep her warm; throw some cards at her for good luck, and peace out of that mother.
As she minority vomits on herself, you thank yourself for your gene pool.
Word of advice: Don't ever live in Orange County.
Stoner Rebuttal to Senate's Soda Tax

A proposal has been sent by the Senate to help Californians slim down by putting a sugar tax on soda, not to mention help bloat the empty wallet called California's state budget.
But those opposed, most likely offended because they are stoners addicted to sugar fixes, propose a rebuttal called an Atkins Tax.
"If obesity is what we are trying to combat, why not start with foods high in saturated fat like the bacon and cheese you love to eat so much. Look mom, no carbs! Is California so starved for a reason to tax everything on the shelf including table sugar? "
Survey reveals stoners are quite taken aback by this sugar fee, not to mention some tree-hugging grass gnawing, eat-nothing-if-it's-not-vegan mentality will have no affect on their lifestyles if a pig dies and served to you for breakfast at a nominal fee.
With another proposal to legalize marijuana in the state of California to increase revenue for the state of California, we can see why "these guys" are pissed. It's like selling a car to someone, then making them buy the tires separately. Not to mention, these guys shouldn't be driving anyway. They're always 20 miles under the speed limit. They want the marijuana, but they don't want to pay the taxes on their tasty delectables. Try getting to the store first.
"It's not like that, man. It's the whole system, man. It's like what are you doing to the people, man? It's like….. what was I saying, man? Oh yah, well Captain Crunch is like really really good. And a bunch of other cereals too, man."
Either way, it sounds like the Senate is dying to tax the stoner demographic in anyway they can. Tax the reefer, then tax the munchies. Not a bad plan, eh?
“Not only will higher taxes fail to make people healthier, they will jeopardize good-paying jobs and put further pressure on our struggling growers retailers," said Joey JoJo, aka Green Thumb, aka Morning Sun. “We simply can’t tax our way to healthier lifestyles, man."
MorningSun continues, "Go after the little guys. Sure go after us, we never did anything."
And that might just be how the Senate feels; that "they" don't do anything.
"Everything has sugar in it, man. What are you gonna do, like tax the whole food industry?"
And that's what they did. No wonder Whole Foods cost so much. Going green and organic never tasted so sweet.